Word of Life Updates and Enhancements

Dear Word of Life Administrators, 

We want to share some exciting updates to the Word of Life Portal for grades K-5 for the 2023-2024 school year.

New Resources

  • Teacher-to-Teacher Audios provide a short overview of the key points of each chapter and then guide you in prayerfully preparing for class 
  • Small Wonders and Gabriel’s Quest Storyteller Videos are filled with many new illustrations to bring the stories to life for the children and families 
  • Video Discussion Guides provide key learning points from the lesson enhancement videos and facilitate meaningful discussion 
  • Updated Restored Order Materials and Lessons 
  • New Bilingual Resources including Lectio Divina, Sacred Art, and lesson enhancement videos, as well as teacher doodles


  • Streamlined onboarding of parents and students to enable faster and easier online engagement 
  • Connected video resources in digital student text for seamless access by teachers and students 
  • Access to assessments for parish students to better support family faith educational models (Note: This does not apply to school customers.)

  • Assessment retakes for parish students to more easily master material (Note: This does not apply to school customers.)

  • Enhanced leader support resources and training videos to support you in making the program kickoff as effective as possible 

Please contact your Word of Life Curriculum Consultant if you have questions or if we can assist you in any way.   

Thank you for partnering with us this inaugural year!

May God abundantly bless you and all the students and families you serve.